The Outbreak: First Light
*Update 3/19/15 - The Outbreak: Day Zero and The Outbreak: First Light are now available as ebooks! You can read them online for free on the Chapters ...
*Update 3/19/15 - The Outbreak: Day Zero and The Outbreak: First Light are now available as ebooks! You can read them online for free on the Chapters ...
這個應用程序提供語音引導,轉由轉動導航用廉價的天然氣取景器和跟踪最近的行程,並且為您提供精確的方向和他們說話,你的道路。它提供離線地圖。此應用程序具有最佳的功能,如不同的聲音選項,本地搜索功能,續航時間交通和地圖等。 導航GPS,討論把口語給您的出行路線,不錯的導航選擇您的Android手機。從一個...
是否有可能恢復被轉移到SD卡上的應用程序?一個Micro SD卡就是這樣一種設備,能夠這樣做的,並常用,因為它存在於最現代的手機。然而,Micro SD卡,喜歡最相似的設備,有時會損壞,故障或損壞,將您可能已經儲存在那裡處於危險之中的任何數據。這就是為什麼有適當的Micro SD卡恢復軟件來幫助你收...
Like a lot of you, many people go online to meet people because they are too insecure to actually meet people in the real world. This is usually the b...
如何做專業的攝影師讓那些驚人的坦率的肖像畫,其中的主題是完美的焦點,但背景是模糊的?按照下面的方向,你也一樣可以做到!也許你已經採取了一群人的照片,現在你想突出一個人?或許你以為你已經採取了完美的畫面,除了一些在後台從照片分心? 你想知道如何創建一個漂亮的,柔軟的,模糊的背景?本教程的應用程序會告訴...
This is an instruction on how to crop &trim video, apply video effect and merge mutiple videos.Cropping video with Video Crop Editor is an easy one-cl...
Here’s a common problem: Your subject looks great, but the background, not so great. Never fear, Photoshop is here to save the day and your photos. Yo...
Android smartphones have advanced to make mobile video calls accessible to everyone. For a long time video calls where limited to desk top computers a...
Simple and efficient call recorder solution for your Android phone. Record automatically all incoming and (or) outgoing calls.1. Record your calls aut...