The Outbreak: First Light
*Update 3/19/15 - The Outbreak: Day Zero and The Outbreak: First Light are now available as ebooks! You can read them online for free on the Chapters ...
*Update 3/19/15 - The Outbreak: Day Zero and The Outbreak: First Light are now available as ebooks! You can read them online for free on the Chapters ...
《车轮查违章》是一款由专注于汽车移动领域的车轮团队专心研发的车主必备app。自发布以来,受到了用户和行业的广泛认可与好评。 * 2013年内稳居App Store免费总榜第一位长达15天 * 9万多份用户好评,五千万车主共同选择 * 两次荣获“移动互联网创业之星最佳移动工具”奖 * 第二届拳头奖最佳...
手机银行iphone版是嘉兴银行为iphone用户量身定制的移动银行,为您提供自助贷款、转账汇款、账户管理、水电缴费等各类金融服务。安全便捷。主要包含以下功能: 1、自助贷款 为您提供自助循环贷款随借随还、所有贷款查询、普通贷款还款等功能。 2、转账汇款 为您提供存款账户行内转账、跨行汇款、收款人名...
可口的爆米花,美味的棒棒糖,Q嫩的布丁…… 《翻翻翻学食物》,帮助孩子轻松认知美味食物! 联想记忆法,全方位拓展孩子认知! “魔力小孩”翻翻翻系列,人生第一堂有趣的美食课: 棒棒糖翻开变成彩球,能看到小丑演杂技! 鸡蛋翻开变成小狗鼻子,小狗会汪汪叫! 面包翻开变成浣熊,奔跑的浣熊摇尾巴! …… 《翻...
家里和幼儿园都有各种各样的电器,《翻翻翻学电器》通过联想记忆法教2到6岁的小朋友们认识电器。通过“翻一翻”的动作孩子能看到两个物品的关联和区别,培养出抽象思维,并提高认知水平。 《翻翻翻学电器》联想记忆、动态演示、趣味音效、双语朗读: 可爱的小青蛙,翻一翻,变成青蛙造型的电扇,凉风吹来,培养孩子联想...
Fitness Helper is your pocket trainer, helping people from any fitness level reach a healthier lifestyle. Follow a 8-10 week program for your favorite...
**Be sure to check out the the all-new Polar Bowler!**What is a Polar Bear’s favorite pastime? Why, it’s sitting on an inner tube in a giant slingshot...
Boom! Let the adventure begin!Hop on your monocycle, step on the gas, find the perfect timing through the loops and jumps, avoid the obstacles on the ...
Adult Mad Libs is the newest version of the classic word game, all grown up! The Adult Mad Libs app features the same hilarious stories and word blank...