sound meter application

Sound Meter

Sound Meter allows you to measure environmental noise with your mobile phone.Professional Sound level Meter in your pocket. Sound Meter for measuring ...

Meterbox iLDM Pro

注:Meterbox iLDM Pro 應用軟體可以跟華盛昌公司鐳射測距儀 iLDM-150 一起配合使用。Meterbox iLDM Pro 配合鐳射測距儀 iLDM-150,構成一款專業智慧鐳射測距工具。可廣泛的應用到各類家裝量房、建築驗收、交通勘測及日常測量等,如家裝量房的各類地板和牆面裝修面...

Sound Meter

Sound meter is an application which is used to measure the decibel level of an environment or any sound that is generated by artificial or natural pro...