sound meter android

Sound Meter

聲級計在Smart Tools集合中的第四個套件中。(噪音) 聲壓級計應用程式使用你的手機麥克風以分貝(dB)為單位來量度環境噪音的大小、繼而給出與量度數值相約的參考項目。我們使用了真正的聲壓級計的dB(A)模式校正了許多的Android設備。 緊記!!因智能手機的麥克風是計對人類的聲音(300-3...

Sound Meter

Measure your surrounding sounds using just your mobile's microphone and compare the results on a realtime chart.The circular meter displays the li...


AppMeter lets you monitor any Play Store application to get statistics about ratings and releases through time.Just set the package name and AppMeter ...

Sound Meter

_▒▓ ♪♬ Sound Meter ♬♩▓▒_▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔Professional sound level meter for your device.It measures loudness or sound pressure (SPL) in decibels...

分贝仪 Sound Meter Pro

免費玩分贝仪 Sound Meter Pro APP玩免費免費玩分贝仪 Sound Meter Pro App分贝仪 Sound Meter Pro APP LOGO分贝仪 Sound Meter Pro APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費用APP評分上架日期更新日期中國 ChinaAndr...