Prox Pro
Your phone must have a proximity sensor for this to work! ALL PROXIMITY SENSORS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL!!! Users with a dual purpose ambient light senso...
Your phone must have a proximity sensor for this to work! ALL PROXIMITY SENSORS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL!!! Users with a dual purpose ambient light senso...
The first Theocratic Suite for Android. This suite is devoted to research, study, and field ministry activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. This proje...
Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle game. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, an...
Volumizer will never have to set your volume again! Automatic volume control for people who don't want to constantly set their volume le...
Are you smart enough to not get hypnotized in a hypnotizing environment and still reach your goal ? With each level the goal gets difficult and illusi...
PiRelay Pro is an app to link an Android Device to a Raspberry Pi, for the purpose of switching relays.Features:- Option to choose if the Relay Type s...
Onomastici: la nuova applicazione della Looigi'Soft che vi permetterà di ricordarvi delle ricorrenze dei vostri amici più cari. Tramite quest'...
【百度云2T永久空间等你来领】登录手机客户端即可轻松获取,相册、短信、通讯录、通话记录一键备份到云端,更有手机找回、密码锁等功能全方位为你数据保驾护航。 【必读】: 经过帅气的攻城狮昼夜打磨,百度云新功能震撼来袭,添加好友,和伙伴们快乐分享视频、照片,创建聚会群、资源群、班级群,一人分享,全群共享,...
由全国第一偶像潮流志《Easy音乐世界》制作团队打造的移动媒体平台Easy App,是全国第一的偶像潮流移动交互平台,集当红偶像资讯,影音视频,潮流情报,购物体验,用户互动等诸多功能于一体,让用户在赏心悦目的视听享受中,随时随地轻松掌握最爱偶像的所有信息,了解最新顶尖潮流资讯,同时通过移动客户端便捷...
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