Secrets Pro|個人化線上App不用買


【免費個人化App】Secrets Pro-APP點子

Releasing this Pro Version of Secrets after 10000+ downloads of basic version on Google Play Store (

Additions in Pro Version:

- Accepts alpha/numeric Secret Code for additional security

- Check box at bottom of files list to Select All files at once

- Check box to enable/disable preview files

- Fixing some known issues including fix to prevent file damage.

- UI Enhancements

Link to Basic Version:


- Make Sure to Decrypt all the Encrypted files before Uninstalling. Else all the files would be deleted (From Android 4.4.2 onwards)

Note: On Upgrading to 7.3 it would take long time for first time switching between between tabs because of the data transfer required for the new restrictions imposed by Android 4.4.2

Allow the transfer to complete without force killing the app. Else transfer would be attempted again till its completed successfully.

Welcome to Secrets !!

- Encrypt and Store your Credit cards details, Atm Pins, Passwords, Images, Videos, Files and all other sensitive data in this App

- Be Assured that your secret data is not transmitted anywhere on Internet as the app doesn't request any permissions to access internet or sms.

- All data is stored safely in encrypted format using strongest AES encryption !!

【免費個人化App】Secrets Pro-APP點子

- No longer worries to forget pins and passwords!!

- Images, Files.. you have encrypted are not visible in gallery and Myfiles or other file browser. Hidden from world. Only after decryption they are visible.(upto version 4.1 only)

- If you forget Secret Code, Re-Install the app (Data destroyed for security)

- Adds Free !!


- Hide images pictures videos from gallery

- Encrypt passwords credit card details securely

- File Manager

- View files and directories sorted by size

- Find files and directories occupying memory space

- Safe Vault

【免費個人化App】Secrets Pro-APP點子

- Transfer or send messages in encrypted format

- Store or save passwords credit card details in encrypted format

- Secure Vault


- Vibrate : To provide vibration feedback while various operations

- Storage Access: To access files for Encryption/Decryption


- On First Use, Register the Secret Code

- If you forget Master Code set in Previous session, then clear Application data from Application Manager and Set new Master Code and Secret Code again in Single session

- Save Your Secret data.

- After 5 unsuccessful login attempts, Application would be locked. Try after 1 minutes.

Backup Encrypted Data:

- From settings select Show Encrypted Text

【免費個人化App】Secrets Pro-APP點子

- Login to view data in encrypted format

- Copy n paste this encrypted data anywhere externally on email, notepad etc as backup.

This is how your encrypted data would look:


Can you read this? No, This can be decrypted only from the app on login with correct secret code.

Its a challenge to hackers to decrypt this data without knowing the secret code you have set to login !

Restore encrypted data:

- Un check Save data Encrypted fron settings

- Login n paste encrypted data in new text file

- Click Save to save the already encrypted data as it is without encryption.

- Check Save Data Encrypted back from Settings.

Please contact for any additional features.

Old Updates:

- Added support for encrypting photos, videos, songs, files.. from multiple tabs

- Encrypted files are invisible from gallery, Myfiles.

【免費個人化App】Secrets Pro-APP點子

- Encrypt files from share menu option.

- Data stored with AES encryption.

- Added Setting for External Storage Dir to specify directory to save encrypted Files

- Added File Management for storing Text Files

【免費個人化App】Secrets Pro-APP點子

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Secrets Pro APP LOGO

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Secrets Pro APP QRCode

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