Learn illustrator CS5
Adobe Illustrator CS5 is the newest in the Adobe Illustrator line. The previous version offered many great features but what does the CS5 bring to th...
Adobe Illustrator CS5 is the newest in the Adobe Illustrator line. The previous version offered many great features but what does the CS5 bring to th...
Rotate your device to change the direction of gravity(red line) for keeping the stick above the horizon(red line). The more balls you break, the highe...
☞컴퓨터 프로그램 동영상 교육 전문으로 교육청에 등록된 평생교육시설입니다.동영상 강의로 쉽게 배울수 있어 학점과 자격증 취득, 취업 및 실무에 크게 도움이 됩니다.♥망설이지 말고 동영상 어플로 쉽게 배우세요[동영상강좌 교육 내용 목차][1]화면 인터페이스와 도형툴 익히...
***註:系統的自動轉移已延長一星期, 至2014年5月17日為止。逾期不會獲得免費轉移。全新加強版自動轉珠小幫手正式登場!早陣子由於黑客入侵,已致我們要整個系統作出全面提昇。* Root Required本程式特點: - 適用於當下最流行的三消轉珠類游戲 - 一鍵自動轉珠,超越人類手速極限 - 普...
本程式不需要ROOT!全新功能!1)加入雙消(2顆消除)功能,全面支援新技能. 2)在"一般設定"中加入"偵測風化珠"選項,開了它就可以自動偵測風化珠!智慧處理風化珠,不止會避開它,更會消除它!3)可選全體或單體攻擊4)限制COMBO數目你是一個轉珠生手 怎麼轉都只有2~3combo 急需幫助?或者...
Photoshop Touch for phone是专为手机用户推出的手机版的Photoshop. 主要功能: - 图章工具箱:图章仿制工具、修复画笔工具、模糊工具、涂抹工具,还有特效画笔工具、快速选择工具、各种选框工具等 - 可对项目进行如下操作:删除、复制、移动、创建文件夹,支持图像导入,可选开...
Take photo retouching and adjustments to a whole new level…Learn advanced, professional techniques from a seasoned photographer. There’s photo correct...
5-hours of training (115 separate videos) covering the fundamentals of using Photoshop CS5. Learn Photoshop CS5 from a proven master who gets right to...
One of the most common techniques as a Photoshop user is to add text to an image or graphic. In this tutorial Photoshop Pro Nathan Fullerton shows you...
Cuso de Photoshop CS5 con explicaciones claras y sencillas. Partiendo desde cero llegarás a dominar Photoshop. Con abundantes imágenes, ejercicios, au...