

After his great portrayal of a guilty man in Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky set out in The Idiot to portray a man of pure innocence. The twenty-six-...

Idiot Scanner

Amazing Idiot Scanning App!Simply photograph a person and let your Android use the latest in high tech Idiot Analyzing technology to determine how muc...


This is the beta version of the ³ (aka Cubed) music player. Enjoy! NOTE_ If you are having issues with album art run 'Get Art' again. If that does no...


Threes是一款简单耐玩的益智游戏,通过上下左右滑动屏幕来移动方块,合并后得分。1和2可以合并成3,3以后,就能只能是相同的数字合并了,比如3和3合并成6、6和6合并成12。当方块占满屏幕,而且也无法再进行组合时游戏结束,游戏结束后会根据你的完成情况进行评分免費玩3! APP玩免費免費玩3! Ap...

Idiot Scanner

Amazing Idiot Scanning App!Simply photograph a person and let your Android use the latest in high tech Idiot Analyzing technology to determine how muc...

Idiot Scanner

Amazing Idiot Scanning App!Simply photograph a person and let your Android use the latest in high tech Idiot Analyzing technology to determine how muc...


Yidio makes it easy to find and watch TV shows or movies available on Android. Search and browse all your video apps from one simple interface, includ...


Fed up with typing the same old message to the same contact day after day? Then TxtTmplts might just save your sanity!TxtTmplts allows you to create y...

Soul Slash SAGA靈魂守護者

2015史詩級ARPG,NEXON年度大作《靈魂守護者》塵世紛爭 大戰在即2015最值得期待動作RPG,十五種職業,數百種技能!收集你的靈魂守護者,保護世間萬物,抵禦惡魔軍隊。在副本中尋找獵物、選擇合作或PVP競技場。雇用、合成、進化更多的靈魂守護者,從而發動更強大的攻擊。產品特點:15個職業,數百...