idiots 2

GoTiengViet 2

Đã có bản 3, bạn vui lòng search market.Chương trình gõ Tiếng Việt nhiều tính năng, hỗ trợ nhiều kiểu gõ tắt để gõ nhanh nhất trên điện thoại.Rich-fea...

MyWordBook 2

MyWordBook可讓您學習、操練及重溫您的英語詞彙。MyWordBook是為英語學習人士而設的一個互動詞彙筆記本。筆記本已預載Cambridge University Press字典內部份常用的英語詞彙﹐您更可下載適合您程度和興趣的字詞表。從‘practice’ 到 ‘review’,您可查看您...

Caveman 2

Fun and addictive adventure game. ★★★★★ "Fun for the whole family and a way to pass time" -by Su ★★★★★ "Funny game! It is a real funny game! Worth to ...

Fruit 2

More kute fruits and vegetables, Fruit 2 from Pipogame is more attractive and interesting. The rule from Ninja Fruit is displayed in Fruit 2 with many...


** Celebrating the winter holidays with Google Play! Get 60% off for a limited time only! ** It’s "GO" time! Take a ride on the Reading Railroad. Buy ...

Solar 2

---- ATTENTION ------Highly recommended you try 'Solar 2 Demo' first to make sure the game works on your Android device! If you are unfortunat...

Fishdom 2

梦幻水族箱的粉丝们,欢庆吧!准备迎接 Playrix 奉献的原始梦幻水族箱™众望所归的三连消游戏结局。交换您的彩色瓷砖,赚取金钱,打造您的梦幻水族箱。让您的想象力自由驰骋,装饰 4 个独特主题的水族箱。感觉经营一座大农场,重返古埃及时代,还是在您的水族箱中娱乐 Merworld?或者您准备好好地休个...