Smart-I Recorder
The Smart-I Recorder app allows the user to view and record the SMART-I Mini WiFi Camera on their Android device.1. The app is easy to use, simply con...
The Smart-I Recorder app allows the user to view and record the SMART-I Mini WiFi Camera on their Android device.1. The app is easy to use, simply con...
Thanks for checking out this app.Cockatoo is a simple recorder app that can be used to record all sounds for later use or analysisIt's good for st...
일상생활에서 녹음 기능이 필요할 때 보다 빠르고 간편하게 사용이 가능하도록 제작된 앱 입니다.일부 단말기(모토롤라 아트릭스 등)의 경우 단말기 특성으로 인하여, 단말기가 절전(화면꺼짐)상태로 진입하면 녹음이 종료되는 현상이 발생합니다. 이 경우 앱 상에서는 녹음이 계속...
GPX Recorder is a simple but essential tool for any android developer , it allows you to record a route from your android phone and then mail the GPX ...
Interaja com os todos os programas da Rede Record e veja as suas mensagens na tela da TV. Cada atração tem a sua sala de bate-papo, que segue a grade ...
This application takes the vector magnitude of the accelerometer, displays and records it to a textfile on the phones SD card so that recorded values ...
Ski Record monitors your speed as you ski, snowboard or cycle and records your max speed record. Speed is also read out loud to you so that you don...
Iphone桌面为您带来桌面的新体验,在界面和功能上都力求与苹果一致。抖动编辑桌面图标,自动排序,文件夹分类,自定义快捷启动栏,以前只有苹果才具备的功能,现在Android上也能体验得到。 支持2.1及以上版本,以及320x480, 800x480, 854x480,1024x640几种分辨率。免費...
iPhone桌面是一款专业的iPhone美化桌面,软件无论是图标,还是动画特效,都和iPhone一模一样! 软件体积小,不占空间,针对手机特殊优化,运行效率高,内存占用少,运行流畅不顿卡,让您感受丝般顺滑! 特点: 1、高度仿制的iPhone风格界面; 2、支持所有iPhone桌面功能; 3、有iP...
iPhone桌面是一款专业的iPhone美化桌面,软件无论是图标,还是动画特效,都和iPhone一模一样! 软件体积小,不占空间,针对手机特殊优化,运行效率高,内存占用少,运行流畅不顿卡,让您感受丝般 顺滑! 特点: 1、高度仿制的iPhone风格界面; 2、支持所有iPhone桌面功能; 3、有i...