Cockatoo Recorder|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Cockatoo Recorder-APP點子

Thanks for checking out this app.

Cockatoo is a simple recorder app that can be used to record all sounds for later use or analysis

It's good for students who want to record lectures in class and playback later for studying.

【免費工具App】Cockatoo Recorder-APP點子

It's also good to remind yourself of things to buy at grocery store.

it can help you do your work like house investigating, company demo, training or presentation.

Of course this app cannot replace the normal digital recorder due to its limitation such as memory, battery, and microphone but it proves to be handy in some scenario and a decent alternative solution.

I wrote this app for experiment purpose, not because I want to sell it or sell advertising. So, maintaining and support

might be limited. Also, using recorder might violate privacy, so use with care.

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Cockatoo Recorder APP LOGO

Cockatoo Recorder LOGO-APP點子

Cockatoo Recorder APP QRCode

Cockatoo Recorder QRCode-APP點子
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