Management Jobs
***Please use it to find jobs only in the US***The easiest way to gain access to the largest selection of management jobs and manager job openings.Man...
***Please use it to find jobs only in the US***The easiest way to gain access to the largest selection of management jobs and manager job openings.Man...
Job Manager 一个有效的工作规划中的应用。 根据 EISENHOWER Matrix Model。分类作品分为4类。1. 重要 & 急2. 重要 & 不急3. 不重要 & 急4. 不重要 & 不急排列优先顺序的任务,应该先做什么,后或朋友帮助。 用法:1. 创建一些工作。2. 创建任务需要...
Are you a baseball fanatic? Did you ever dream of managing your own major league baseball franchise? Now you can in Baseball General Manager 2014- Ma...
內容介紹 : Are you a baseball fanatic? Did you ever dream of managing your own major league baseball franchise? Now you can in Baseball General Manager 2...
IT Manager is the best all-in-one enterprise server administration tool that allows network administrators to securely manage VMware, Windows, Active...
IT Manager is the best all-in-one enterprise server administration service that allows Network Administrators to securely monitor and manage VMware, W...
Бесплатное приложение для доступа к материалам журнала IT Manager и сайта Manager - это бизнес-издание, в котором ИТ-директора делятся св...
Are you a Pathfinder GM tired of flipping through piles of books to simply generate a random magic item? Tired of your players moaning like the undead...
Too busy to search all the latest news about journalism, new media, innovation in newsrooms, social media etc.? The Global Editors Network app brings ...
Try your hand at the classic poker dice game! Generala supports both Yahtzee and Generala rules, including Bonus Yahtzee! Supports high scores, multip...