GM Assistant
Are you a Pathfinder GM tired of flipping through piles of books to simply generate a random magic item? Tired of your players moaning like the undead...
Are you a Pathfinder GM tired of flipping through piles of books to simply generate a random magic item? Tired of your players moaning like the undead...
Speaktoit助手是Android設備虛擬助手。你有屬於自己的守候你命令的定制小助手-回答你的問題,執行任務,通知重要活動,讓你的日常事情更簡便(還更愉快)。 Speaktoit助手被稱為: *****紐約時報:本年度排名前十的安卓應用程度 *****福布斯:十大移動應用程序生產率 *****紅...
Asia tnt以超低价格拨打高品质的国际电话!!以超低价格可以往全球任何地区拨打高品质的国际电话!!只要有移动电话网络,无论您身在哪个国家都可以使用。[超低价资费]其他类似App所不可达到的超低价资费标准。 “Pay Less, Talk More”卓越的通话音质保证[国际短信]可以给身在异国的朋...
Executive Assistant (EA) provides an all-in-one interface for quickly reviewing your:+ Email: any combination of GMail, Google Apps, or POP/IMAP accou...
Checkbook Manager helps you to manage your finances at anytime and in anywhere. You can compare your bank statement with Checkbook Manager to find the...
App Manager & Cleaner, a tool for clearing application Cached files , Clear History, Open Installed Application, View Application on Play Store, Move ...
IT Manager is the best all-in-one enterprise server administration tool that allows network administrators to securely manage VMware, Windows, Active...
This App contains 204 Skills needed to successfully manage and complete work. These Skills describe the Behaviors to use when working on tasks, projec...
ActiveDir Manager is a network admin tool for windows active directory user and computer management.Similar to Active Directory Users and Computers (A...
智点助手是一款桌面快捷辅助软件,通过桌面插件就能很快地进行一些常用的桌面操作,例如锁屏、任务切换、快捷打开应用程序等等。类似 iphone/ipad ios系统里AssistiveTouch、Easy Touch、FLoating Touch、Toucher的辅助功能。可以添加多个桌面插件来达到实现...