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Il super-efficiente NinjaWords, che si auto definisce “a really fast dictionary, fast like a ninja”, non è un traduttore completo ma un dizionario in ...

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If you have a lot of accounts with differents logins and differents passwords you need this app NOW. This app remember all your passwords and all your...


BSPlayer 免費版 是一款專為Android智慧型手機和平板設計、有著硬體加速的影音播放器。主打特色:- 相容於Android 4.4 KitKat- 子母畫面背景播放 (長按返回鍵即可開起子畫面來播放)- 影片硬體加速 --不僅提升解碼速度還更省電- 支援雙核心與四核心 --顯著改善播放效能...