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Password Notes

Password Notes can protect your notes with password, just write all you notes in it, it keeps secret for you.If it works for you, you can buy the pro ...


AcrossCute is crossword solving program. AcrossCute Android version include,download puzzles from the Internet,Legible clue prompt with customizable p...


BSPlayer 免費版 是一款專為Android智慧型手機和平板設計、有著硬體加速的影音播放器。主打特色:- 相容於Android 4.4 KitKat- 子母畫面背景播放 (長按返回鍵即可開起子畫面來播放)- 影片硬體加速 --不僅提升解碼速度還更省電- 支援雙核心與四核心 --顯著改善播放效能...