Push to Kindle

Send to Kindle

Send a web page or document to your Kindle directly from your Android browser of choice. In doing so, the app will attempt to transform the web page i...

Send To

Send-To can be used through Android's capabilities to share text data between apps. Submit text information to Send-To and you can send it to diff...


中国发掘和运用中草药美容已有数千年历史。中医美容方法丰富,手段多样,主要包括中药美容、针灸美容、按摩美容和火疗美容4种方式。中药美容是这4种方式中最主要、最常用、经验最丰富的一部分,早在古代宫廷广为使用,是目前应用最广泛的一种中医美容方法。 中医美容注重整体,将容颜与脏腑、经络、气血紧密连结,中药内...