send to kindle app

Send to Kindle

Send a web page or document to your Kindle directly from your Android browser of choice. In doing so, the app will attempt to transform the web page i...

Send To

Send-To can be used through Android's capabilities to share text data between apps. Submit text information to Send-To and you can send it to diff...

亚马逊 Kindle

Kindle阅读软件是一款功能强大的跨平台电子书阅读软件,可在Kindle电子书店(测试版)下载超过12万本中外文电子书,包括数千本中外文免费书和各种热门畅销书,所有电子书都提供免费试读章节。在你的PC,Mac,iPad,iPhone,iPod Touch,安卓手机与平板电脑上,都可安装Kindle...

亚马逊 Kindle

Kindle阅读软件是一款功能强大的跨平台电子书阅读软件,可在Kindle电子书店(测试版)下载超过12万本中外文电子书,包括数千本中外文免费书和各种热门畅销书,所有电子书都提供免费试读章节。在你的PC,Mac,iPad,iPhone,iPod Touch,安卓手机与平板电脑上,都可安装Kindle...

亚马逊 Kindle

Kindle是一款很流行的电子书阅读器,配合亚马逊的在线书城 Kindle,可以下载超过620000本电子书,现在这款软件来到了Android上,可以让你的手机实现比Kindle硬件还强大的功能!它可以在线阅读几千本免费图书,还能自动同步本地和云端书签,调整字体大小颜色或亮度。免費玩亚马逊 Kind...

Simply Sent

Not an artist? You are now. Simple. Easy. Connected. · Design and send e-cards directly to those you love—for free!—via your favorite photo sharing ap...