寿司的美味无人能挡!坏人们把寿司都藏起来了,但是你终于来到这寿司藏起来的地方,于是,在被敌人发现之前,赶快把寿司都吃了吧! 寿司行动是一款简单、好玩的休闲游戏,游戏的玩法类似于是"男人就下一百层",可以选择用重力感应模式或者屏幕触控模式进行。游戏的目标是获得指定目标的寿司,在吃寿司时,小心被敌人碰到...
行動嘉藥(CHNA APP)「行動嘉藥」是由嘉南藥理大學所規劃設計, 運用智慧型手機與校園雲端機房等技術, 讓學生、教職員與校友隨時隨地掌握校園訊息, 也提供大眾也可透行動載具,全方位與多元的方式來認識嘉南藥理大學及校園周邊環境。 功能項目: 1.最新消息:同步首頁公告、學生與教職員資訊網公告,並可...
This app translates text, words and sentences from Spanish to German and from German to Spanish. It can be used a dictionary and for word meanings too...
*FREE*This app translates text, words and sentences from Korean to Spanish and from Spanish to Korean. Spanish Korean Translator can be used a diction...
This app translates text, words and sentences from Arabic to German and from German to Arabic. It can be used a dictionary and for word meanings too. ...
*FREE*This app translates text, words and sentences from German to French and from French to German. French German Translator can be used a dictionary...
Classic Free Match Linking Game!Your mission is to match all the sweet Candy (including gummy bear, candy bar, parodo,etc). Pass the levels and try to...
Classic Free timed three round of matching Candy Soda game!Your mission is to match all the sweet Candy, Crush it! pass the levels and try to get all ...
Classic, fun & super addictive CANDY Rain Flood Mania is here. This arcade derived candy game is a combi of Candy and colour flooding fun! You get the...