头像达人是一款好玩易用的掌上头像生成工具,致力于提供头像随机生成、加工和分享的一站式头像制作服务。 主要功能: 随机头像:试试手气,随机生成头像,寻找是否是与你最匹配的外貌特征; 素材搭配:头像的组成分为脸型、眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴、头发、服饰、背景等若干要素,哪里不满意就修改哪里,找到最满意的那个你; ...
头像达人是一款好玩易用的掌上头像生成工具,致力于提供头像随机生成、加工和分享的一站式头像制作服务。 主要功能: 随机头像:试试手气,随机生成头像,寻找是否是与你最匹配的外貌特征; 素材搭配:头像的组成分为脸型、眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴、头发、服饰、背景等若干要素,哪里不满意就修改哪里,找到最满意的那个你; ...
行動嘉藥(CHNA APP)「行動嘉藥」是由嘉南藥理大學所規劃設計, 運用智慧型手機與校園雲端機房等技術, 讓學生、教職員與校友隨時隨地掌握校園訊息, 也提供大眾也可透行動載具,全方位與多元的方式來認識嘉南藥理大學及校園周邊環境。 功能項目: 1.最新消息:同步首頁公告、學生與教職員資訊網公告,並可...
**LEARN and have FUN at the same time** - Flashcards for iPad is a collection of great learning tools and games for preschoolers (age 2-5) - it also m...
Libib is a home library cataloging app, that allows you to scan in your books, movies, music and video games.It works in concert with libib.com, where...
Whether you're a current user of DVD Profiler for Windows or not, DVD Profiler for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad will help you take control of your DVD and B...
Anyone can do art! painting without brushes and paint but with light and shapes only: One canvas, eight shapes infinite numbers of possible composit...
Turn your extra stuff into cash! eBay Valet is a new and simple way to sell your stuff on eBay. Find your items' worth, send them in and valets take c...
WonderNote is a wonderful diary book which can help you to record your life with text, photo gallery and voice, from now on, your life will become rem...
Own your time!A new and easy way to keep track of how you spend your time, with billing support and import/export functionality (In-App Purchase for f...