

玉山證券《玉山A+行動下單》股市APP,提供完整證券、期貨、權證、興櫃股票隨行下單,台股、外匯、國際股市金融報價、財經新聞,並有豐富盤後資訊圖像視覺化、到價警示免盯盤等實用功能。投資下單‧首選玉山。 功能特色: 1.雲端自選股跨平台使用,省時省力好方便! 2.到價警示離線推播,免盯盤、免登入APP,...

读经班 · 弟子规


Merchant App

Merchant App is a free cloud based mobile point-of-sale for Merchants and individuals. You now have exactly what your customers have been asking for- ...


PayApp is a cloud commerce mobile Wallet app for shoppers and consumers. Make Payments using your mobile phone TODAY. There is no substitute for the c...

Lite Wallet

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LITE WALLET~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♪ If you also dislike the idea of packing your wallet with membership cards, frequent flyer card...