
Yes Chef

Fruit Ninja 的創造者很高興和您分享他們在烹調藝術上的最新冒險 - 讓您操控食物的全新解謎遊戲!Yes Chef 描述一個名為 Cherry 的年輕學徒,夢想成為全世界最偉大廚師的故事。在您的協助下,Cherry 必須遊歷全球,為自己的餐廳搜尋令人垂涎三尺的食譜。在 100 個關卡中,調配...

C64 Paint

C64 Paint is an app that lets you paint on a canvas up to 200 by 200 pixels with all the 16 colors of the classic 8-bit computer of the 1980s, the Com...


You're really not that good at insulting people. Insultor however, is really good at insulting. And not just insulting you, but everyone you know.Intr...