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奇集集Kijiji - 台灣最大、最有趣的在地分類廣告網站。提供您一個最方便和簡單的方式,隨時隨地搜尋、購買和出售任何東西和服務。種類包含房屋出租買賣、攤位頂讓、打工兼差、裝潢服務、水電、保姆、寵物、家具、家電、腳踏車、二手手機、中古車、二手機車等。無論您人在台北、台中、台南、高雄,還是台東或外島地...
Learning about the law of attraction and getting an all important holistic guide can have amazing benefits for your life and success.Human relationshi...
Constitución de la República Dominicana (2002). En Español. Constitution of the Dominican Republic (2002). In its original language: Spanish. 免費玩Const...
Knovia Knowledge Center,是管理知识荟萃的数字知识中心,它服务于企业的中层和高层管理者,无论是人力资源管理、财物管理、营销管理,还是生产管理或研发管理,全部一网打尽。 目前虽然提供帐号的功能,但是并不会影响使用者能否的阅读书籍。没有进行登录动作也能够直接下载/阅读书籍。当使用者...
KNOE is the market leader for news and entertainment and is home to some of the most award-winning journalists in the state. We cover news for Northea...
This pocket lawbook contains the Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua. 1987 Constitution, including the 1995, 2002, and 2005 reforms. In its orig...
부산·경남의 신속하고 정확한 뉴스를 전달하는 KNN 앱 입니다. 생방송보기와 동영상제보는 물론 검색한 기사내용을 페이스북이나 트위터로 전송할 수 있으며, KNN의 모든 프로그램과 뉴스를 다시 볼 수 있습니다. 따끈따끈한 부산·경남의 뉴스와 세계 곳곳에서 일어나는 다양한...
This application contains the Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala of 1985, with the reforms made in 1993. In its original language (Spanish). Es...
The Constitution of the Republic of Honduras from 1982, includes reforms until 2005. In its original language (Spanish). La Constitución de la Repúbli...
Este libro de leyes incluye la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (según la gaceta oficial de 1991). These lawbook includes the Con...