Memory Booster
Test your memory and find matching cards. Publish results on Facebook !!. If you think that’s easy, you are wrong. There is a limited amount of time t...
Test your memory and find matching cards. Publish results on Facebook !!. If you think that’s easy, you are wrong. There is a limited amount of time t...
AL-EE-OOP is a great game for both kids and adults alike with hours and hours of gameplay. Two shipwrecked sailors stranded on an island. By building ...
Chinese may look like a difficult language to master. However, you can get a good understanding of the language after learning 100+ Chinese characters...
The tangram (Chinese: 七巧板, literally "seven boards of skill") is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put toget...
GooNews is an app that uses Google News to see the latest news available on the web. It shows all the standard Google News feeds and allows you to add...
【温馨小提示】 搜索关键词“happyreading”即可找到我们的全部书籍哦! 【内容简介】 汉字是幼儿阶段重要的学习内容。本系列精心编排了600个基础汉字,配以相应的英文,常用的词语、句子和精美的插图,非常适合用于幼儿的识字启蒙。 【本书特色】 ★ 每个汉字都配有相关联的插图、词语、句子以及英文...
名車ぞろいのジャガー歴代モデルをあなたの掌に!スライドショー機能&解説テキスト付きの、iPhone/iPod touch、iPad用フォトクロックです。 イギリスを代表する自動車メーカー、ジャガーの歴代モデル47台、計60枚の写真を収録。 一枚一枚の写真に解説がつきますので、ちょっとしたジャガー博士...
Magic Screen 魔法开屏功能: 不要接触手机便可以打开屏幕并且解锁,淘汰摇晃开屏。 智能开屏,只有手机面向使用者0度到90度的时候在手机表面也就是听筒附近用手轻轻拂过即可开屏,头朝下或者侧面不能开屏,所以放到兜里也不怕误操作了,真的很方便。 可以设置挥手次数你可以设置挥一次就开屏,或者多次...