The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective and illustrated by Sidney Pa...
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective and illustrated by Sidney Pa...
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This app contains all the short stories series (total 56) which features h...
Sherlock Holmes Ebook Collection: (6 books) by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleContains the following books1. The Study in Scarlet2. The Sign of Four 3. The Hou...
【注意】 该款游戏需要另694M数据包,下载链接在描述最后面。《夏洛克:犯罪网络 Sherlock: The Network》是根据英国广播公司BBC出品的大热的《神探夏洛克》同名制作的一款游戏应用,游戏在今年的1月份已率先登陆 iOS 平台。游戏是基于第三季剧情制作,在伦敦背景下有 10 个悬案发...
Las mejores frases del célebre detective de la calle Backer, reconocido por su tenacidad, astucia y grandes poderes de percepción.Disfruta las mejores...
Visit the world of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson - learn about their creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Find out about key characters in this world a...
Sherlock's deductive reasoning combined with Einstein inspired logic puzzles. Use logic, deductive reasoning, and the process of elimination to so...
SHERLOCK HOLMES #2 - The Beryl Coronet (La Corona de Berilos) in English and Spanish - 25 pages; pro-version without ads.Improve your language skills ...
敬爱的福尔摩斯故事,开始活跃在这个图文并茂的隐藏对象益智游戏蓝钻神秘。挑战自我,发现隐藏的对象,当你看到和听到福尔摩斯如何解决了神秘的蓝色钻石内的鹅!根据柯南道尔爵士的书上,这个隐藏对象的游戏需要你通过提供高品质的音频旁白的奥秘。玩它,你也将评级最好玩的游戏为孩子和成人教育!特点:- 从书中的许多美...
狙击手之殇 Top Sniper Shooter Assassin是一款非常酷炫的第一人称射击游戏,通过触控屏幕来调整你的准星,然后瞄准敌人的脑袋一枪爆头,完成任务。游戏有着逼真的音效和质量不错的画面,相信喜欢射击游戏的你一定不会放过它的。这是一场冷血的战争,只靠子弹间冷飕飕的交流。寒风刺骨,狙击手...