
神探夏洛克 最新全集

《神探夏洛克第三季》于2014年1月回归BBC1台,新季共三集,分别为: 第一集:TheEmptyHearse空灵柩; 第二集:TheSignofThree三签名; 第三集:HisLastVow最后誓言。神探夏洛克》,英国迷你电视剧,由BBC出品,2010年上映第一季,2012年1月1日起上映第二季...


敬爱的福尔摩斯故事,开始活跃在这个图文并茂的隐藏对象益智游戏蓝钻神秘。挑战自我,发现隐藏的对象,当你看到和听到福尔摩斯如何解决了神秘的蓝色钻石内的鹅!根据柯南道尔爵士的书上,这个隐藏对象的游戏需要你通过提供高品质的音频旁白的奥秘。玩它,你也将评级最好玩的游戏为孩子和成人教育!特点:- 从书中的许多美...

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This app contains all the short stories series (total 56) which features h...


Visit the world of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson - learn about their creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Find out about key characters in this world a...

Mega Run

When your town is overrun by the walking dead, there's only one thing left to do - go through their pockets and look for loose change! As the lone sur...


Utility for logging gaming activities, including recording, filtering, and summarizing results.Includes support for emailing your gaming log with or w...