華藏淨宗學會android手機客户端,主要展現華藏淨宗弘化網的資訊和直播内容。方便廣大淨宗同修隨時觀看淨空老法師的講經直播。 主要功能: >>華藏淨宗弘化網的網站資訊、講經通告等最新公告 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座直播 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座點播 本軟體由華藏淨宗學會資訊組開發,歡迎...
華藏淨宗學會android手機客户端,主要展現華藏淨宗弘化網的資訊和直播内容。方便廣大淨宗同修隨時觀看淨空老法師的講經直播。 主要功能: >>華藏淨宗弘化網的網站資訊、講經通告等最新公告 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座直播 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座點播 本軟體由華藏淨宗學會資訊組開發,歡迎...
香港佛陀教育協會手機應用程式1.佛經 - 可供用戶讀誦五經一論和基礎經典2.佛號 - 自由選擇六種佛號,讓你的手機作佛號機使用3.直播 - 隨時隨地讓你可以收看老法師最新教學4.節錄 - 讓你可以從百忙之中收看老法師講經的節錄短片,另外科註點播可讓你點播最新的2014淨土大經科註5.早晚課 - 無論...
‘World Flip’ is an app designed to enable you to view what is on the exact opposite side of the world from either your current location or a selected ...
World Heritage Viewer[Feature]- This app has recorded 152 countries, and 1023 World Heritages data.- You can search the World Heritage by map or from ...
This App provides information about all programs and upcoming events organized by World Affairs Council of Oregon. It provides functionality to regist...
Do you ever wish you could see all your favourite locations from right here?Would you like to be able to see through walls?Imagine you could enter pla...
This App provides information about all programs and upcoming events organized by World Affairs Council of Oregon. It provides functionality to regist...
Work, Play, Learn in New York's Tech Valley. This custom, crowd sourced guide to Tech Valley will let you discover the amazing attractions and opportu...
This App was developed specifically for the Oil and Gas Industry, however it can be used for lots of other industries or uses - especially when you wa...
Woodwick candle은 미국에서 인정 받은 아로마 향초로 최상의 에센셜 오일만을 선별, 사용하여 여러분의 가정에 프리미엄급 향기를 전달합니다.우드윅은 향초 제조와 개발을 선도하며 독창적인 품질로 세계적인 가정용품으로 사랑 받고 있습니다. 우드윅 캔들은 일반 적으...