華藏淨宗學會android手機客户端,主要展現華藏淨宗弘化網的資訊和直播内容。方便廣大淨宗同修隨時觀看淨空老法師的講經直播。 主要功能: >>華藏淨宗弘化網的網站資訊、講經通告等最新公告 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座直播 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座點播 本軟體由華藏淨宗學會資訊組開發,歡迎...
華藏淨宗學會android手機客户端,主要展現華藏淨宗弘化網的資訊和直播内容。方便廣大淨宗同修隨時觀看淨空老法師的講經直播。 主要功能: >>華藏淨宗弘化網的網站資訊、講經通告等最新公告 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座直播 >>淨空老法師以及悟道法師的講座點播 本軟體由華藏淨宗學會資訊組開發,歡迎...
香港佛陀教育協會手機應用程式1.佛經 - 可供用戶讀誦五經一論和基礎經典2.佛號 - 自由選擇六種佛號,讓你的手機作佛號機使用3.直播 - 隨時隨地讓你可以收看老法師最新教學4.節錄 - 讓你可以從百忙之中收看老法師講經的節錄短片,另外科註點播可讓你點播最新的2014淨土大經科註5.早晚課 - 無論...
Dancha提供台北市、新北市公車的動態即時資訊, 讓使用者快速的知道公車的即時位置,還有貼心的常用路線及到站提醒功能,不管是通勤族或是外地遊客,Dancha都可讓使用者省下許多等待的時間。 主要功能有 1.附近站牌:即刻搜尋附近站牌以及路線、進站時間 2.常用路線:可設定使用者常用的路線,搜尋更便...
Wonderful Children Playing Dress "Happy Puppies Dress-up".You - the most popular designer fashion stylist for dogs. Every girl dreams that you create ...
For all fans of puppies, we represent you Dress Up game: “Franky Dress Up”. Our dog likes to wear different suits, help it to dress for walking. It is...
Be the toy astronaut and join him on this intergalactic runner game.Tap left to jump. Tap right to slide. Avoid obstacles and score the highest.Downlo...
Dress up these pre-party planners and dancing divas from the mall to the club in Dress Up! Girl Party. Send out the invitations and bring the party to...
Ever wanted to know who you are on the street, without actually GOING to the street? Well here ya go! This app features dozens of "street names" that ...
Toy Store Delivery Truck 2 is now available too!--This is the most fun your child can have while learning!You will be amazed how fast your child picks...
Toy Store Delivery Truck 2 is now available too!--This is the most fun your child can have while learning!You will be amazed how fast your child picks...