二代健保即將上路,但仍覺得一頭霧水嗎?我們細心的為您列出健保局目前規劃收取的六項額外收入標的:高額獎金、執行業務收入、股利所得、利息所得、租金收入及兼職所得,以及誰能享有「免繳」資格?一一表列說明,只要您填入自己的收入情況,即能實際試算出,一旦二代健保如期上路,您將多繳多少補充保費? 不管未來預計如...
二代健保即將上路,但仍覺得一頭霧水嗎?我們細心的為您列出健保局目前規劃收取的六項額外收入標的:高額獎金、執行業務收入、股利所得、利息所得、租金收入及兼職所得,以及誰能享有「免繳」資格?一一表列說明,只要您填入自己的收入情況,即能實際試算出,一旦二代健保如期上路,您將多繳多少補充保費? 不管未來預計如...
經由經驗豐富的手工皂達人測試與研發,不論您想製作的是固體皂(鈉皂)、液體皂(鉀皂)、或是混合皂,Soap Lye Calculator 可以提供您準確的皂化價計算公式,包含不同皂性所需的總油量、重量與硬度等等。產品特點:* 超過130種不同的油品讓您選擇。* 可選擇製作固體皂、液體皂、或是混合皂。*...
香港的士收費計算 會根據閣下所選擇之起始點及目的地來計算的士收費 及 預算時間而且閣下可以選擇瀏覽最佳路線及付加費詳情. 不單可以在地圖找尋地點, 更可以輸入地址搜尋. 而且搜尋結果包含了收費道路之收費計算 及 即時主要道路交通情況你亦可以使用 路線搜尋紀錄 查閱以往搜尋路線資料本程式更包含了 路線...
Alphabets Games Memory Matches is a educational game for kids to learn about different kinds of Alphabets. Kids of all ages and grades can enjoy this ...
Numbers Match: Memory Game: is a concentration-style educational memory game for kidsto learn about different kinds of Numbers. Kids of all ages and g...
Birds Match: Memory Game: is a concentration-style educational memory game for kids and adults to experience the worlds most amazing Birds.This app ha...
Reptiles: Memory Match Game: is a concentration-style educational memory game for kids and adults to experience the worlds most amazing Reptiles. Kids...
Alphabets Case:Memory Matches is part of educational games for kindergarten kids to learn about different kinds of Letter Case. Kids of all ages and g...
Body parts Match memory game is an excellent educational game for kids, which offers toddlers, pre-school, and kindergarten age kids an awesome but si...
실제로 숲과 노을의 향기가 나는 듯한 현실감 넘치는 이미지디자인!힐링 테마 받으시고 모두들 힐링되시길 바래요~^^ (사진제공 : adside)폰테마샵을 이용하시면 더 많은 폰꾸미기 컨텐츠를 확인하실 수 있습니다. -------------------------------...