Sound Analyser Lite|音樂線上App不用買


【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

Sound Analyser is an audio app that transforms your Android device into a powerfull audio spectrum analyser with spectogram and 3D waterfall

- high dynamics with 20 FFT analysis per second

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- auto or manual scale

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- log (dB) or linear scale for the amplitude

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- log or linear scale for frequency axis

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- selectable FFT window: flat top, Hanning or rectangular

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- zero-padding for better FFT frequency resolution

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- selectable sampling frequency, up to 48000 Hz

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- performance factor for slow devices

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- zoom on the frequency and time axes (drag the axis to zoom)

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- amplitude scale zoomable

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- multitouch zoom

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- cursor on the spectrogram with or without frequency sound reproduction

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- innovative auto calibration method, using the in-built speaker. The calibration file can be manually edited with a simple text editor

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- editable calibration file

【免費音樂App】Sound Analyser Lite-APP點子

- portrait and landscape display

- recording time only limited by the device memory

- save sound file as WAV or CSV

- read WAV file for offline analysis

- save spectrogram as high definition PNG

- music overlay with notes

- configurable band stop filter for the audio playback

So do not hesitate any longer and install this app.

Please feel free to comment or post a question on the dedicated Google Group:!forum/sound-analyser

Of course a direct e-mail is also possible

All comments are very welcome.

If you like the app, please rate it.

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免費玩Sound Analyser Lite App

Sound Analyser Lite APP LOGO

Sound Analyser Lite LOGO-APP點子

Sound Analyser Lite APP QRCode

Sound Analyser Lite QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play