


Handyfacts from Aico covers all the key information you need when fitting Fire, Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms:

Smoke Alarm Types & Siting

Shows the different alarm types available and where to fit them in a

property. Includes clear siting diagrams to help you when you’re on site.

Wiring & Interconnection

Explains all the options when it comes to alarm interconnection available

including both hard-wired and RadioLINK (wireless) interconnection.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Tells you the danger points to cover, what types of alarm are available and

where to site them.

Handyfacts also contains an interactive product search which allows you to


quickly and easily find the best Aico products for your application. All Aico

products are covered and are easily searchable.


* Info on smoke alarm types and siting

* Step-by-step run though on House-coding a RadioLINK system

* Wiring diagrams for relays – switching mains powered and low voltage devices


* Carbon Monoxide danger points and where to fit alarms

* Interactive product search covering all Aico products

* Access to product datasheets

* Save your favourite products


* E-mail product information

Basic anonymous usage info is collected by Google Analytics.


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