《恩典书库》是涵括程蒙恩长老近年来蒙神恩典所写的属灵书籍, 内中有很多是广受信徒欢迎的畅销书, 全是神的怜悯, 荣耀归神!为着使这些书籍能更方便、更广泛地给信徒阅读, 现以电子书形式出版, 分类如下:, 一、初信成长系列--适合慕道、初信者和服侍者: 《慕道课程》 《初信课程》 《118福音疑难问与...
〖兔年如意〗~~ 为庆祝新春佳节的到来以及成语酷玩上架一周年, thinʞnao公司特别推出完全免费的成语酷玩2。在玩家游戏累计成语达到1000个, 就可获得完整版的成语酷玩2。其包括全套上万成语, 拼音注解, 英文翻译等, 让热爱成语的您称为真正的成语达人。还等什么, 快点出手吧!, ▲△▲△▲△...
Flags of the World allows you to learn flags from every country in the World. This app provides a study program as well as a timed testing program. Co...
Test your skills with this reaction based game. Hit the + buttons that appear on the screen to increase your score but do not hit the - buttons as the...
Little Snake is a remake of the classic snake game,now available for your Windows Phone.It includes two game modes:Classic:The classic game experience...
Turkish draughts wich is known olso as Dama is a Turkish version of checkers. 16 Pieces on a 8x8 board can move forwards or sideways one square, captu...
The classic game of reflexes... fall through the holes before you hit the ceiling!Tap the left side of the screen to move left, and the right side to ...
Típico juego de 4 en raya para jugar contra la máquina en 3 niveles de dificultad. Sencillo y adictivo.注意使用時間,避免遊戲沉迷本遊戲部分內容或服務可能需要另行支付其他費用免費玩Conecta4 ...
There are three difficultyEasy level:Simply select the two cards of the same constellationSuitable for short-distance car, waiting friend or boringCha...