GCF Calculator
A simple greatest common factor (GCF) calculator. Just input up to eight numbers and this app will calculate the GCF of those numbers. Icon made with ...
A simple greatest common factor (GCF) calculator. Just input up to eight numbers and this app will calculate the GCF of those numbers. Icon made with ...
This app is perfect whenever you go out to eat. It allows you to calculate how much tip you want to give. Not only that, but if you are splitting the ...
A simple LCM calculator that allows calculation of an lcm for up to 8 numbers.Please rate if you found this app helpful!Icon made with Android Asset S...
Use this app while in a car dealership trying to lease a car. This app will help you easily calculate how much the monthly lease of the car should be,...
This app helps easily calculate the answers to quadratic equations. Just input the equation in the form of the quadratic formula and this app will qui...
USEFUL FOR ANY SHOPPER!!This app helps with calculation of discount prices. For example, if you see a product that costs $124 with a 20% discount pric...
An app that tests up to 8 digit numbers to see if they are prime.Please rate to support the app!Icon made with Android Asset Studio by Creative Common...
A simple calculator that allows for easy calculation of interest. Simply input the amount of money, interest rate, time(in years and months), and the ...
A simple app that lets you calculate your BMI.It also tells you what your BMI indicates (such as being underweight or overweight).Please keep in mind ...