
超吉起名 HD

《超吉起名》根據周易取名法,採用生辰八字+五行平衡+五格+三才數理+姓氏性別+好聽等各種因素綜合評比,通過智慧篩選,為您從百萬姓名中選出五行平衡+高評分的的好名字!1:一鍵生成數千個精選好名字供您挑選 2:內置海量精選好名字供您挑選3:支持按五行篩選;4:生辰八字查詢5:姓名評分6:查詢姓氏起源免費...


《超吉起名》根據周易取名法,採用生辰八字+五行平衡+五格+三才數理+姓氏性別+好聽等各種因素綜合評比,通過智慧篩選,為您從百萬姓名中選出五行平衡+高評分的的好名字!1:一鍵生成數千個精選好名字供您挑選 2:內置海量精選好名字供您挑選3:支持按五行篩選;4:生辰八字查詢5:姓名評分6:查詢姓氏起源免費...

WiFi Booter

WiFi-Booter, boot your PC with iPhone or iPad!!! WiFi-Booter which based on PXE protocol is one of the many ways you can boot a PC entirely from the n...


iSVN is a lightweight mobile svn repositories tool on your iOS devices (iPhone and iPod Touch).You can bring your repositories anywhere (home, office,...

Finger Doodle

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