WebMD Pregnancy

WebMD Pregnancy is a FREE app from WebMD that delivers trusted health information to expectant moms as well as fun features and tools. Whenever. Where...

WebMD Allergy

Based on the allergies you have, the free WebMD Allergy app for iPhone will help you prepare for each day with a personalized allergy and weather fore...

WebMD Pain Coach

WebMD Pain Coach™ offers a holistic approach to balancing lifestyle with chronic pain conditions to help inspire a better day. WebMD’s new app is a mo...

WebMD Magazine

WebMD Magazine for iPad is an interactive and FREE digital subscription. Now it’s easier than ever to make better health and healthy lifestyle decisio...

WebMD Baby

WebMD Baby in the News"It is arguably more practical and useful than many of the others combined." -- NYTimesWebMD Baby "will significantly lighten up...

WebMD for iPad

WebMD helps you with your decision-making and health improvement efforts by providing mobile access 24/7 to mobile-optimized health information and de...


Medscape provides fast and accurate clinical answers at the point-of-care and is the leading medical resource for physicians, medical students, nurses...