

想測試你的政治地理學的知識呢?乍一看,這個遊戲可以令人望而生畏。但是,這並不能使它不感興趣。你知道,在全球超過200個國家,幾乎他們每個人都有自己的貨幣?在其獨特和驚人的每一個音符。其中一些看起來像一件藝術品。只是不可能知道,有時你必須“打開”的直覺。例如,如果鈔票描繪甘地 - 那麼它很可能給帳單印...

Сheck nerves

Check nerves! Not itself of course, but your friend. On the screen a popular visual illusion where you want to look at it for 30 seconds, and then the...

Ask cat

Do not know what to do in a given situation? For example - to eat or go to sleep? All answers to all questions knows wise and subtle psychologist - a ...