Deskdrawer is a mobile markerboard app. You draw on your tablet, and the result displays on a computer monitor or projector.CAVEAT EMPTORNote that Des...
Deskdrawer is a mobile markerboard app. You draw on your tablet, and the result displays on a computer monitor or projector.CAVEAT EMPTORNote that Des...
Bitmeter is a utility for inspecting a bitfield and investigating how different data types are represented. Possible uses include contrasting and comp...
This app carves your initials out of a cube of bits. But the sculpture is a little weird. You don't see all three letters at the same time. From t...
This app is a public service. Install it on a loved one's passwordless phone and it will mysteriously ring whenever it's laid flat. Once the g...
Bitmeter is a utility for inspecting a bitfield and investigating how different data types are represented. Possible uses include contrasting and comp...
There's nothing like a free minute. This application lets you consume that minute in popping bubble wrap. Yes, there are some other apps that do t...