Fuaim-U is an Irish phonics game that follows a phonic programme for children learning to read and spell in Irish. Fuaim-U begins with basic CVC words...
Fuaim-U is an Irish phonics game that follows a phonic programme for children learning to read and spell in Irish. Fuaim-U begins with basic CVC words...
Fuaim-C Saor is a taster of Fuaim-C. Fuaim-C (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teno.fuaim_c_paid) is an Irish phonicsgame that follow...
Fuaim-U Saor is a taster of Fuaim-U. Fuaim-U (http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cogg.fonicfuaim&hl=en) is an Irish phonics game that fo...
Fuaim-C is an Irish phonics game that follows a phonic programme for children learning to read and spell in Irish. Fuaim-C begins with basic CVC words...