Little induction puzzle game of unusual atmosphere appeared.Rearranges the block or panel scattered in three-dimensional space, and stacked at,Two bal...
"JK" is the slang which indicates a Japanese female senior high school student.[How to play]Finger the box which is under the screen and decide the fa...
"Real Deer Hunt" is a hunting game that takes place in the prairie. It that appears on the entire screen, deer, Deer, DEER! You can use two types of w...
"Unreal Deer Hunt" is a hunting game that takes place in the prairie.This is different from the "Real Deer Hunt".It is intended to "unrealistic" and "...
Game birth to pile up easily! What you can pile up,,, deer! ? Fish! ? The to stacked up for breather of free time good! Not end is the pile up,Until y...
"Ping-pong trick shots" This game is a game to toss the ball to the cup.When you flick the screen, you can throw the ball. Ball enters the cup, score ...