クーカメラ クーちゃんと一緒に写真がとれるアプリ
気になる新しいお菓子をチェックしてどんどん広めちゃお〜!!日本最大の新商品チェックアプリ第一弾!◆ 発売前や発売したばかりのお菓子をチェックできる!発売前や発売したばかりのお菓子が一覧表示されるので、新しいお菓子や期間限定商品を見逃さないで済みます。気になるお菓子をジャンルからチェックして、食べたい...
Have you ever forgotten information of advertisement which is on your mined ?This application is able to save information of advertisements.When you w...
You try to defeat the enemy characters that are attacking Minamo, a mascot of Gifu, by tapping and compete for the number of flicking out. Both of Tim...
When face, body, and feet---these 3 pieces of Minamo, a mascot of Gifu, are put together by slotting, special products of Gifu prefecture would be des...
Minamo, aMascot of Gifu, starts mout-climbing when you tap a screen.Please climb up to the top of the mountain within 10 seconds.You can take in the v...
miteco.co is an online travel guide created together by foreign travelers and locals. You can search the most visited restaurants and venues by travel...
For local residents and tourists to Gifu Prefecture, it is an app to disseminate tourist information attraction in Gifu Prefecture. ・List of Attractio...
A pedometer with music player and map memos.This app packs things which you want to do while walking."walkiNavi" makes your ordinary commuting enjoyab...
This application blows bubbles in photos taken with a camera. The size or number of soap bubbles varies depending on how you breathe on the microphone...