Orbi Labs


上YouTube观看色彩大师的演示视频! 请搜索“ColorChange iPhone app”。 试想您有一张刚拍摄完的照片,只需手指轻拨几下,您就能把这照片中整块平面或整个区域的色彩完全改变,这就是色彩大师的妙处。它可以让你巧妙处理任何图像中的色彩,利用视觉模拟让你感受一个房间、一幅风景、一个人...

PureSkate 2

The most fun and responsive skateboarding game ever. When you play PureSkate 2, *you* are the skater, using your fingers and your device to catch air ...


Get ready to skate your heart out in the most realistic and intuitive skateboarding simulation ever made!Natural fingerboard control combined with a r...


See a demo of ColorChange on YouTube! Search for "ColorChange iPhone app".Imagine taking a picture, and within a few flicks you have changed the color...