英雄传说 Legendary Heroes
请注意:传奇英雄不支持 iPhone 3GS、iPad 一代和 iPod Touch 四代 战争造就英雄… 一些英雄成为传说。 史上最伟大、最残暴的战争已经开启。 欢迎各路英雄前来一展雄风,向全世界证明你们的英雄团队是最优秀、最有实力的战队! ****************************...
请注意:传奇英雄不支持 iPhone 3GS、iPad 一代和 iPod Touch 四代 战争造就英雄… 一些英雄成为传说。 史上最伟大、最残暴的战争已经开启。 欢迎各路英雄前来一展雄风,向全世界证明你们的英雄团队是最优秀、最有实力的战队! ****************************...
龙已销声匿迹上千年,可是屠龙者的旧秩序还在延续,世间一片祥和,人们深知对各国和各城市最大的威胁已经一去不返。 突然一天夜里,天降火雨。燃着熊熊烈火的岩石像雨点一般落入整个世界,开启了通往地府的古老秘道,龙和手下组成的新军团蜂拥而出。半兽人、地精小妖、骷髅怪、食人魔、怪兽和痴狂教徒纷纷现世,急着向新龙...
A dragon had not been seen in a Thousand years, and the old order of Dragon Slayers had all but disbanded, people lived safely in the knowledge that t...
NOTE: 3GS, iPod 4th gen and iPad 1 NOT supported. A dragon had not been seen in a Thousand years, and the old order of Dragon Slayers had all but disb...
A dragon had not been seen in a Thousand years, and the old order of Dragon Slayers had all but disbanded, people lived safely in the knowledge that t...
NOTICE: Legendary Heroes is not supported on the iPhone 3GS, iPad 1st Gen or iPod touch 4th GenEvery War has its Heroes …Some Heroes become Legends.Th...
Deadly Dungeon is a hack and slash game. Discover the Dungeons and kill all the evil forces you find! Features: - 8 levels - 3 enemy types: Skeletons,...
- Battle other players and Facebook friends! - USA players can enter cash tournaments! A dragon had not been seen in a Thousand years, and the old ord...