This Application solve the first, second , and third degree equation It is simple to use........You can change the range of variant as you wantIt is w...
This Application solve the first, second , and third degree equation It is simple to use........You can change the range of variant as you wantIt is w...
تطبيق يقوم بحساب عمرك بدقة عن طريق تاريخ ميلادك .....المميزات:يقوم بحساب العمر بحسب التاريخ الحالي لليوميحسب العمر بالسنين و الشهور و الأياميمنع حدوث ...
App For easy calculation of heart rate without watch...it is easy and simple.....just beat the heart button and choose duration of calculationyou can ...
This application determine whether neonatal jaundice (yellowish coloration of our baby) is safe and need only follow up,or it is serious condition and...
This App calculate the required dose in ml for any drugs after supplying the required dose in mg and the concentration of drug....It can be used for o...