

麻將是發揮功能類似於撲克牌的瓷磚。成對的對象是要明確的瓷磚打面積。您可能只刪除對瓷磚,如果它們都滿足以下條件:    *有沒有件直接到左或右你想刪除的瓷磚。    *有以上的任何部分沒有直接件。一個球員只能刪除的瓷磚,一次一對。有麻將遊戲中共有72對。卡一樣,瓷磚有標準的西服。這些訴訟是字符,竹子,...

Draw Poker

Draw Poker is the oldest form of Poker, and involves drawing cards from a deck to try and improve your hand.Video Poker is a similar game, but it has ...

Pharaon's gold

After countless aeons, the Ruler of All Ancient Egypt, the Son of Gods, once again graces the realm of mere mortals granting a glimpse of his wealth t...