《戏谷麻将HD》单机联机想怎么玩都可以,不用担心联机不稳定导致牌局结束,让你在高铁捷运轻松打牌开心打发时间,也可以随时上网联机与各路高手PK切磋牌技。 触控滑牌更好玩 结合iOS多点触控功能,在《戏谷麻将HD》iPad屏幕就是玩家的牌桌,玩家只要手指轻触麻将牌,并顺势将牌滑出,就能轻松出牌,如同在真...
《戏谷麻将HD》单机联机想怎么玩都可以,不用担心联机不稳定导致牌局结束,让你在高铁捷运轻松打牌开心打发时间,也可以随时上网联机与各路高手PK切磋牌技。 触控滑牌更好玩 结合iOS多点触控功能,在《戏谷麻将HD》iPad屏幕就是玩家的牌桌,玩家只要手指轻触麻将牌,并顺势将牌滑出,就能轻松出牌,如同在真...
【新戏谷麻将】为目前同时提供联机/单机的麻将游戏,提供iPhone使用者更多游戏选择。 在联机模式中你可以:与在线麻将玩家一同凑桌开打、任意选择不同底台区厅,挑战自己麻将功力。 手气不佳别担心,在线复活金功助你翻本赢牌赚大钱 单机模式则为独特世界巡回赛晋级关卡设计,由16张麻将发源地台湾台北出发,巡...
《戏谷麻将》为支持iOS多点触控、手指轻触即可滑牌的iPhone麻将游戏。保留《戏谷麻将》经典角色扮演、理牌牌型等特色,加上独特的世界巡回晋级赛,联机Game center即可争夺世界麻将王宝座。 触控滑牌更好玩 结合iOS多点触控功能,在《戏谷麻将》iPhone屏幕就是玩家的牌桌,玩家只要手指轻触...
滑滑又消除!超越上海麻将解谜游戏的乐趣!超过 72 个关卡与有趣的特殊玩法,而且完全免费! 潮翻了的游戏麻宝 ZERO,现在即可下载,支持 iPhone, iPad, 与 iPod Touch! ------------------------------- 让我们和可爱的麻宝一起探索远古的密符,并...
TAIWAN MAHJONG HD Now, for the first time, play MahJong on your iPad with the exciting new Taiwan MahJong HD. Key features of Taiwan MahJong HD: -iPad...
TAIWAN MAHJONG HD Now, for the first time, play MahJong on your iPad with the exciting new Taiwan MahJong HD. Key features of Taiwan MahJong HD: -iPad...
TAIWAN MAHJONG HD Now, for the first time, play MahJong on your iPad with the exciting new Taiwan MahJong HD. Key features of Taiwan MahJong HD: -iPad...
FunTown Mahjong Now, for the first time, play MahJong on your iPhone with the exciting new FunTown Mahjong . Key features of FunTown Mahjong : -iPhon...
《New TW MJ》includes online and single mode in one of app. You can choose the online version to match-making with global Mahjong players. Also the onli...
《New TW MJ》includes online and single mode in one of app. You can choose the online version to match-making with global Mahjong players. Also the onli...