EF Englishtown
This application requires * An EF Englishtown account, visit http://www.englishtown.com to get one.同步支援Android系統的app 整合16個程度600個小時的互動課程。連線時,隨時和真人外籍老師做...
This application requires * An EF Englishtown account, visit http://www.englishtown.com to get one.同步支援Android系統的app 整合16個程度600個小時的互動課程。連線時,隨時和真人外籍老師做...
一句话描述:每天5分钟,轻松学短语,地道口语人人夸!应用简介一口英语English Bite是EF英孚教育为每位想要学习真英语的人打造的一款免费应用。它运用科学的学习系统防止你忘记之前所学内容;更棒的是,在学习的同时你还能结交到来自世界各地的朋友。为何选择一口英语English Bite?**学会真...
NOTE: This application requires an active account with EF Corporate Language Learning Solutions.The world's largest online English school is now a...
Go Ahead Post allows you to create and send a digital postcard from anywhere in the world. Just choose a photo from your camera roll (or take a new on...
EF Tours for Girl Scouts POST allows you to create and send a postcard from anywhere in the world. Just choose a photo from your mobile device (or tak...
With EF College Break PostTravel, you can instantly turn your pictures into a postcard and mail it to your friends and family back home. Just choose a...
Fale inglês com os gringos sem medo, com ajuda do nosso aplicativo. Aprenda a receber bem os turistas.Nosso aplicativo tem frases úteis prontas, divid...
Em sua viagem de férias para Englishtown, os Jones se deparam com policiais à porta do seu hotel. Eles investigam o assassinato baseado no livro escri...