The Trees Adventure
"The Trees'Adventure " is the interactive version of Latvian folk fairy tale, which continues the series of interactive teaching aids published by E F...
"The Trees'Adventure " is the interactive version of Latvian folk fairy tale, which continues the series of interactive teaching aids published by E F...
The interactive game "Find a letter" that operates on iPhone, iPad or iPad Touch is designed for preschool and elementary school-age children, as well...
"The Owl" (Pūce) is a set of interactive tasks in the Latvian language , which continues the series of interactive teaching aids. Interactive tasks ha...
"The Seasons " is the interactive version of Latvian people's fairy tale "How the trees did it", which continues the series of interactive teaching ai...
We have developed an interactive version of Latvian fairy tale “Abra”, which is continues our series of interactive teaching aids.The fairy tale is in...
The English Alphabet The Alphabet in English for preschool age children as well as for adults. We offer the Alphabet in English where each letter is...
The English Alphabet The Alphabet in English for preschool age children as well as for adults. We offer the Alphabet in English where each letter is...
Азбука для детей дошкольного возрастаДорогие родители!Предлагаем Вашему вниманию русскую Азбуку. В Азбуке интересно изображена(нарисована) каждая бук...
Burtu ābece Latviešu valodas burtu ābece pirmskolas vecuma bērniem, kā arī pieaugušajiem.Piedāvājam latviešu valodas alfabētu, kurā interesanti attēlo...