Play3D makes it easy to view stereoscopic photos on a 3D TV. It uses AirPlay to stream them from the iPhone Photo Library to an Apple TV connected to ...
Play3D makes it easy to view stereoscopic photos on a 3D TV. It uses AirPlay to stream them from the iPhone Photo Library to an Apple TV connected to ...
Disparity displays stereoscopic photos on your iPhone so that you can view them in 3D. It's perfect with an accessory like the Hasbro MY3D viewer. To ...
Create beautiful monochrome images from your photographs. In the darkroom, photographers toned their prints with sepia or salts of selenium, platinum ...
Picktures makes it easy to pick photos from the library on your iPad or iPhone. Choose which photos you want to see by specifying one or more of the f...
SlowTime gives you very fine fingertip control over playback of video clips. Pick a video from the camera roll or from an album synced from iTunes. Wh...
Use TTforTwo to play a virtual table tennis game with another player who also has this app. Each player sees the game from his or her end of the table...