你能配對公主嗎? 六十秒讓你試試看! 這套簡易又令人著迷的配對組合遊戲,將讓你為了創下最高分而玩上好幾個鐘頭!挑戰自己!挑戰你的朋友!想玩遊戲的話,只需拖曳手指連結配對的公主 (三個或更多)。你可以水平、對角或垂直方向拖曳手指。功能*有趣又簡易的介面,小孩玩起來很安全,大人玩起來欲罷不能。*多位玩家...
你能配對公主嗎? 六十秒讓你試試看! 這套簡易又令人著迷的配對組合遊戲,將讓你為了創下最高分而玩上好幾個鐘頭!挑戰自己!挑戰你的朋友!想玩遊戲的話,只需拖曳手指連結配對的公主 (三個或更多)。你可以水平、對角或垂直方向拖曳手指。功能*有趣又簡易的介面,小孩玩起來很安全,大人玩起來欲罷不能。*多位玩家...
公主們都跑掉了!你能阻止她們嗎? 六十秒讓你試試看!這套簡易又令人著迷的配對組合遊戲,將讓你為了創下最高分而玩上好幾個鐘頭!挑戰自己!挑戰你的朋友!功能*有趣又簡易的介面,小孩玩起來很安全,大人玩起來欲罷不能*多位玩家同場較勁*與 Facebook 上的親朋好友連線*Game Center 支援免費...
Shakespeare has all the ingredients of a big budget movie—if you can understand him. SwipeSpeare puts the words of the Bard into plain and simple Engl...
NOTE: This premium version of SwipeSpeare is primarily for educational institutes who would like to load the app on multiple devices. Shakespeare has ...
We all need refreshers every now and then. Whether you are a student trying to cram for that big final, someone just trying to understand topic a litt...
Newsstand is full of free apps with paid subscriptions. GadChick is a FREE magazine. There's no paid subscription. So what is Gadchick? t’s a place fo...
How do I get an agent? That’s what thousands of writers ask everyday. If you are a writer, then this free app is just for you! This app is a searchabl...
The Bhagavad Gita is one of the greatest known works of Hindu literature. It has inspired thousands of artist and leaders alike. And if you look at mo...
The works and thoughts of Sigmund Freud has been scaring people for years. All his talk about Id, ego, and Super-Ego is enough to send some people run...
Beowulf is arguably one of the greatest epics ever wrote, but it is rarely appreciated because the Old English is...well--old! If you don't understand...