Pic Editor

With this application you can capture or open any saved image and edit the pic by setting its saturation, brightness and many other setting after that...

See Map

This application will allow you to see map of the location , whose co-ordinates you will enter in the application, so if you are unable to find your w...

Filter Pic

This application will help you apply different filters on your picture and then save them , there are more than 10 filters which you can apply to your...

Cartoon Me

Want to make your cartoon ? then this application is made for you only just download this application and see how you would look if you were a cartoon...

Ball Pen

Do you know who invented this thing ? If you dont know then you should really know it that who has done this great work.It is the most important part ...


This application will tell you about Hobby , what actually hobby means , and what are the thing which you can make hobby. Different people do differen...