

In a tricky situation and want to let someone know about it so they can assist you? Ever wished you could quickly and easily notify someone that you a...

ISO Events

We're ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. We develop and publish International Standards and this is the mobile application d...

ISO Focus+

ISO Focus+ magazine draws attention to the vital role International Standards play in the global economy. The magazine is geared to an international r...

Swype Drop

Fun engaging game that lets you fill those down times with excitement. Swype Drop is a combination of Simon says with a guitar hero look. Just swype t...


読んで味わう「粋」と「意気」 ■著者名:生田與克、冨岡一成 著(いくたよしかつ、とみおかかずなり)目からウロコのうんちく満載! ■内容説明: 日本橋魚河岸時代から数えること400年―江戸の気風を今に伝える築地魚河岸の「裏の裏」までが見えてくる。業者の間で使われている「隠語」をはじめ、魚河岸特有の仕組...